Abacus is latin word that has its orgin in the greek word abax or abakon ( meaning “ table or tablet”) which in turn possibly originated from the semitic word abq meaning : sand” The abacus is one of may counting devices invented to help count large numbers. The abacus is a device usually of wood ( plastic in recent times) having a frame that hold rods with freely sliding beads mounted on them. The person operating the abacus performs calculation mentally and uses the abacus as a physical aid to keep tract of the calculation.
Components of Abacus
Components of Abacus

Abacus is a frame dived in two parts through horizontal bar, which separates the frame into two parts known as “upper deck and “ lower deck”. It has a series of vertical rods having beads freely sliding on them. The value of upper deck beads are 5 and lower deck beads are 1 each on unit place.
Benifits :
Calculates faster than calculator
Attain greater concentration and focus
Develops the skill of judgement, analysis and self confidence
Enhance creativity and visualization, improve listening and observation power
Improve memory, retention and recall power.
Attain greater concentration and focus
Develops the skill of judgement, analysis and self confidence
Enhance creativity and visualization, improve listening and observation power
Improve memory, retention and recall power.